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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Bulimia Nervosa and Higher Weight (Online Treatment Study)

  • Study HIC#:2000033150
  • Last Updated:02/22/2024

This study will test the feasibility and acceptability of two treatments for adolescents with higher weight seeking treatment for bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is when individuals binge eat (overeat while feeling like they lost control) and purge (do something extreme or unhealthy to lose weight or prevent weight gain). Bulimia nervosa happens across different ages and body sizes. This study is focusing on adolescents who have a larger body size (overweight or obesity, or recent substantial weight loss). Adolescents will receive treatment that is 4 months of 45-minute sessions, weekly. Treatment will occur over telehealth (e.g., zoom), and the whole study is online.

    • Age12 years - 19 years
    • GenderBoth

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    Yale Teen Power

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    Trial Purpose and Description

    This study will test the feasibility and acceptability of two treatments for adolescents with higher weight seeking treatment for bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is when individuals binge eat (overeat while feeling like they lost control) and purge (do something extreme or unhealthy to lose weight or prevent weight gain). Bulimia nervosa happens across different ages and body sizes. This study is focusing on adolescents who have a larger body size (overweight or obesity, or recent substantial weight loss). Adolescents will receive treatment that is 4 months of 45-minute sessions, weekly. Treatment will occur over telehealth (e.g., zoom), and the whole study is online.

      Eligibility Criteria

      Inclusion Criteria:

      • Have higher weight (>85th BMI percentile or >85th percentile in past year)
      • 2 binge/purge episodes per month for the prior 3 months
      • Be otherwise-healthy youth (i.e., no uncontrolled or serious medical conditions);
      • Read, comprehend, and write English at a sufficient level to complete study-related materials;
      • Provide an approval form from a healthcare provider;
      • Provide a signed and dated written assent (or consent for youth age 18 or 19) prior to study participation;
      • Provide a signed and dated written consent from one parent prior to study participation;
      • Be available for participation in the study for 4 months.

      Exclusion Criteria:

      • Medical or psychiatric conditions requiring hospitalization or intensive care
      • anorexia nervosa
      • developmental or cognitive disorders that would interfere with therapy
      • pregnancy or breastfeeding
      • concurrent treatments (medication or psychological) influencing appetite or weight
      • began hormone therapy in prior 3 months

      Principal Investigator


      For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: